Ready, Set, Go!
This morning, I was running late. This is not unusual for me, I am a very lazy person and would much rather take an extra ten minute in bed and rush around like a maniac than get up at a reasonable time and swan around the flat.
However, today I have a meeting with some clients at a swanky London restaurant (I'm not paying) and it was sort of important that I didn't look like I'd been dragged through a hedge backwards.
What do you do when you have fifteen minutes to make yourself presentable? Well, I can't really pass this off as good advice, but this is how I bodged it...
Always shower, even if it's a choice between eating, make up or showering - people won't know if you're hungry and you can always take the make up on the go route described below but they will notice if you pong. Fact. Scented shower gel will just make you feel better about everything. I love Angel Innocent when I need some inspiration to get me going in the morning.
Dry ShampooThis is sort of unfair because it only really works on blondes and light brown hair unless you shell out for the pricey Bumble&Bumble hair powder option. Go to Boots, do it now, I'll wait, and get some Batiste Dry Shampoo or the lovely Lee Stafford version (it's pinker and prettier). Goodbye bad hair days, hello twenty minute lie-ins...
Make Up
Now, you don't want to make a mess and overdo it which is all too easy when you're in a rush. Just pare it down to what you really need - foundation or better yet, tinted moisturiser (the less pigment, the less likely you are to make a balls up), blusher, applied with a light hand, lipbalm and mascara. Now you should be good to leave the house without scaring the postman. The rest of your make up can be applied on the train, in the cab or outside/in the toilets of wherever you're going when you get there.
As a veteran five year commuter, I have vast experience of what make up can and can't be applied on public transport:
Lip Colour:
I would go with a sheer gloss or something very easy to apply unless you're a pro - Stila lipglazes and lipglaze sticks are perfect. Anything that means you have to fanny about with a wand or could stain is asking for trouble.
Eye Colour: Not the time to be trying Audrey Hepburn liquid liner... I once saw a girl practically blind herself with a liquid liner wand on a train. It wasn't pretty before, during and especially after. Go for neutral cream colours in easy to hold, easy to apply formulas. Benefit's eyeshadows have flip top lids so you're not going to drop the lid and lose it! Be very very careful if you need to top up your mascara and carry wipes in case of disasters.
Cheek Colour:
Same as the eyes and lips, best not to be applying from fiddly packaging and avoid anything that could spill or stain. Bourjois blush has a flip top lid and a hand little mirror. Fab. If you want to go cream, Nars has beautiful multipurpose sticks that I would die for, as do Pout. A world of options ladies.
Powder: Not a problem, every lady carries a compact doesn't she? Just don't do what I've done a thousand times and be swayed by the pretty packaging over the actual function. Try before you buy, always.
Perfume: Nothing makes me feel finished like a spritz of lovely perfume and it's a great pick me up during the day or just before you leave. When I've had a shitty office day or I have a big meeting (like today!) I'll always squirt just before I go. It cheers me up and I hope it makes the other person realise I've made an effort.
Even if my dress really could have used ironing... Hey, they can't have it all!
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