It's Girl Porn, that's what it is...
Now I don't know how often you...
a) mosey on into Space NK for a quick 'I won't buy anything, it's just research' peepo
b) think, wow, I wish my eyes looked all smoky and sexy like the girls on the runways of New York fashion show this week.
Whether you have fallen foul of either of these vices or not, I found myself in Space NK in Brighton at the weekend. With PMT. And my credit card. Luckily, I also had my boy-shaped credit card limit with me...
Here are some of the GORGEOUS things I'll be purchasing when he's not looking...
Night Clubbing single shadowThis is a delicious blackest black with gold pearl shimmer. I'm not normally a gold shimmer kind of a girl but this was amazing. For the classicists among you, go for Nightbreed that has a silver shimmer instead. I tapped my finger on the top of the shadow and looked like I'm been down a coal mine for a month. In the best possible way.
Misfit/Rated R Duo Shadows
Now I'll admit to anyone that I love a shot of colour to the eyes. Recently, I've been wearing a more neutral look but find me in the right mood and I'm the girl on the tube rocking the solid turquoise eyeshadow and big black lashes. Or sometimes it's royal blue. Or occasionally purple. Just be assured that with a neutral face that's powdered to velvetty perfection (or as near as you can get!) block coloured eyes don't have to be 80s. Nars have an amazing selection of colours, all highly pigmented and crease-proof. I want... I want...
The Multiple
Something else I've learned from my many years of trial and beauty error, is that something is a classic for a reason. Nars The Multiple (my fave is sheer pink Riviera) is a wonder. It's cheek colour, it's lip colour, it's a highlighter and man alive it looks sexy.
Orgasm BlushSee above points and roll into one. Classic, high pigment, delicious healthy flush and who wouldn't want to keep an orgasm in their handbag? Deep Throat made me blush though. Cosmetics not for kiddies...
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