Friday 4 January 2008

New Year, Old Skin

Seriously, my skin has decided that it wants to relive it's youth. Except I didn't have a good youth. I had a terrible teenage time, filled with Sue Pollard-esque plastic glasses and acne. And they were the good bits.

To try and END my renewed adolesence, instead of burning off the top two or three layers of skin with a glass bottle of bleach, I mean, blue clearasil, I'm trying some new stuff.

Alongside my Ren mayflower cleanser, I've added Prescriptives anti-blemish serum to my routine and I'm dabbing Bliss Change Your Spots gel directly onto the terrifying areas.

Now, the Prescriptives serum doesn't work overnight but it really is making a difference.

More of an update next week! Hopefully I'll have left puberty by then...

LOL xoxo


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