Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Saint: National Stress Awareness Day

Apparently, no one alerted the London Underground, Starbucks or the tit who kept treading on my beautiful new shoes this morning, that today is in fact National Stress Awareness Day.

I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that we, as a people, are stressed and I think it's got to be worse for us ladies.

We've got to get our arses to work, we have to keep our flats/houses (more or less) tidy, we have to watch what (or how many Wispa bars) we're eating and we have to look pretty at the end of it gosh darn it.

To help ease this pain, the wonderful people at Origins offer a complimentary de-stressing service known as 'Vitality at Work' for when there's no time to get away from the computer.
Origins Guides come to your desk to deliver everything mini-massages to energizing pick-me-ups and exercises.

Is it me, or does that sound a little bit amazing?

If you don't even have time for a mini massage (weirdo, I love massage more than ANYTHING. Maybe even Peter from Heroes.), then you could just go for a quick dab of Origins' Peace on Mind On the Spot relief. Just a couple of dabs on your pulse points and you too can be calm as Britney after she's been tanning.

I'm currently feeling more than freaking frazzled, so will be down at my local Origins store quicker than, well, let's keep with the theme, Britney on her way to Starbucks.


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