Tuesday 9 February 2010

Ruby & Millie Hot Gloss: The Great Kiss Off 2010

Because I would never ask another to do something I wasn't prepared to do myself, I threw my lips into the firing line this weekend and gave a couple of prods a good going over (cough) for The Great Kiss Off and here, my loves, are the results.

So what are you reviewing for us today, BeautyLover?
Well, BeautyLover, since you ask, it's Ruby & Millie's Hot Gloss in Juicy

Tell us about its fabulousness...
I really like it! As a regular wearer of plumping glosses and the like, they usually don't have a lot of effect on me but this bad boy - wow, you certainly knew you were wearing it. There was a distinct warming sensation and almost cinnamon taste that came on strong and lingered for ages, which created a visible plumping effect. The colour isn't the strongest but it looks great layered over a stain or a matte effect lipstick and even better with a strong, dark matte eye. Plus, I always enjoy a pen applicator gloss.

And how does it handle itself in the smooching stakes?
Ok, so here's the deal - this shizz is going to get you kissed but if you're wearing a lot of it, the kissee is not going to thank you. Boys cannot handle the effects of plumping glosses, FACT. So my advice is to larp it on for the 'come hither' section of the evening and then coyly remove and replace with a lovely soft balm that won't leave him in physical pain.
That's a job for you and you alone.

Me likey.
Oh, and Ruby & Millie is on 3 for 2 at Boots.com right now! GO, GO, GO!


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