Tuesday 6 May 2008

May I... have a super cool summer do please?

So this is a story all about how, my life got flip turned upside down...
Not really but any reason for a Fresh Prince reference is a good reason, right?

But this is a story about the difference between having an awesome hair stylist and getting your hair cut 'somewhere' by 'someone'. Big difference.

My hair grows incredibly quickly which means it's really hard to hold a style for any length of time and I regularly freak out and use the phrase 'cut it all off' within the hallowed walls of the salon. Once I did this at a salon (naming no names but it rhymes with... no, can't be done. It was Essensuals in Hammersmith), clarifying the 'cut it all off' with 'I want a choppy bob'. I walked out of there looking like Myra Hindley.

Now I know some of you will think I should have been more specific but tough, I wasn't.
Last week I walked into Lee Stafford in Soho to see the lovely Jonny and said 'cut it all off' and walked out with a GORGEOUS messy, textured bob, a killer fringe and a big fat grin on my face. A good stylist will just get it - they'll get to know you, they'll talk to you, they'll take into account your style so that your haircut matches you and not just what idea they have in their head. Seriously, you wear your hair every day - isn't it worth dedicating a bit more time and resource than just nipping into Supercuts? Think of how long you spend looking for the perfect pair of jeans... and I hope you don't wear them every single day, because you know, ew.

And that is why you should have a fabu stylist and not just someone, somewhere.


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