Wednesday 10 March 2010

Decleor Neroli Essential Night Balm

I've been meaning to blog about this FOREVER but I given that I like to give anything skincare a good few weeks on my skin before I sing its praises; this bad boy just passed the six week mark and I'm ready to shout it from the rooftops.

About six, seven weeks ago, I had the BEST facial at Bliss as a reward for finishing my last book (which wasn't actually finished but I'd booked so I figured, fuck it) and my lovely, lovely facialist* expressed slight concern that while my skin was good 'for my age' (cough, thanks) it was also dehydrated and congested. To combat both of these issues, she suggested I pick up the Decleor Neroli Essential Night Balm that she used on her own perfect, glowing skin. She then proceeded to show me how to scoop out a tiny amount of the balm, warm it between my palms and just press them into my skin, allowing the product to melt in. Lovely.

Everything I knew about Decleor prior to using this product, I'd learned from QVC (not to be sniffed at) but I'd never tried anything from the brand, so, blissed-out-happy post-facial/scalp massage, I purchased the balm and started adding to my nightly routine, under my Elemis moisturiser.

And I gots to tell you, it's been about six weeks, I'm a third of the way down the pot and I LOVE it. Aside from the fact that the application process is simply delicious and a treat in itself, my skin is soft every day and honestly, we've had some pretty harsh weather here in NYC over the last few weeks but not once have I succumbed to dryness, grey, dull skin or in fact anything except for sheer loveliness. I'm totally converted. It moisturises, it brightens, it purifies. Pretty much the only thing it doesn't do is clean the bathroom while you're asleep. And for the beauty buffs who are into such things, the balm is also 100% natural which is kind of nice, given that you're slapping it on every night. Also it smells divine. I demand that you get a whiff of it, even if you're not going to buy it. In fact, come over to mine and I'll wave it under your nose like sexy Vicks Vapour Rub.

Mmm. Where do I sign up for the rest of the range?

*Also, blogger tried to correct facialist to racialist. Snee. She wasn't a racialist, she was lovely.


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