Friday 5 March 2010

Bobbi Brown Pretty Powerful

I have to admit, New York is hardly underburdened with make-up counters but there are always a few that I can't help but linger by for just a few seconds longer than I should. One of those is always Bobbi Brown. I reach for one of my shimmer bricks almost daily, live and die by long wear gel eyeliners if I need my make up to last longer than 12 hours and still treasure the remnants of my Blue Raspberry blush duo (aka Best Blush Ever).

So I was super happy to hear about the new Pretty Powerful campaign. Basically, it represents Bobbi's belief that all women possess natural beauty (fact) and if someone gives them the right tools and the right hints and tips, they can be empowered to a higher level of pretty. And before you start kicking off about how it's not that important to be pretty, check out this quote from Mary Wollstonecraft (e.g. super olden days chick):

'A woman of talents, if she be not absolutely ugly, will always obtain great power, raised by the weakness of her sex'

Pretty kicks ass. (I'm still not sure how I feel about this quote but it almost always make me laugh out loud. Especially when combined with the memory of one of my friends drunkenly expressing horror on a New Year's night out at the idea of 'not being even a little bit pretty'. She of course, is super hot. Cow.)

Anyway, Pretty Powerful is, in a nutshell, a way to make women feel better about themselves. And we can all agree that's a good thing, can't we?

So, my recommendation is for everyone to check out and then pop along to a Bobbi Brown counter for a pretty powerful make up lesson. There's no obligation to buy anything and you might just pick up a few hints and tips that make you smile. And really, what more can we ask for?


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