Thursday 23 October 2008

4711 Soap in a Tin

Since I've had a cold for what seems like my entire life, I'm finding big time comfort in nostalgia. And eating an entire pan of mashed potato every night. That's less nostalgia and more greed to be fair but you see where I'm coming from.

But that's one of the reasons I was so super happy to be reminded of 4711 cologne which now comes as this super cute soap in a tin. Here are some of the others:
1. Because as a child I collected soaps and soaps in tins were totally the jewels in my collection
2. My nana had a little bottle of 4711 on her dressing room table and I LOVED messing about with all the stuff on that table... shockingly enough
3. It's perfect for travelling
4. It will make an awesome stocking filler for said nana
5. You can get it from Boots which is easy or Harrods which is posh. Two of my favourite qualities in a shopping experience. Or man.

Ahh, reasons to be cheerful on a Thursday.


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